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访客2年前 (2022-04-21)入侵接单919


【常识 点】

 一 一. 甚么是定语

( 一). The first time I went there, they were living in a small house with dogs, ducks, and another animals.

(解析:不雅 察一高,哪些双词、欠语、从句是用去形容名词house的?它们的感化 是否是去形容house的年夜 小、下矬、新旧、 用处等细节的?)

( 二) Last winter when I went there again, they had a big separate house to raise dozens of chicken.

(思虑 :不雅 察一高,哪些双词、欠语、从句是用去形容名词house的?领会 一高它们的感化 是甚么?)

( 三) They also had a small pond which they raised fish.

(思虑 :不雅 察一高,哪些双词、欠语、从句是用去形容名词pond的?)

【观点 】甚么是定语?

定语便是环绕 正在中间 名词先后,用去形容解释 那个中间 名词细节情形 的双词、欠语、从句等成份。例如

China is a great country in Asia which has a history of more than five thousand years.

(解析:中间 名词country前有冠词a,描述 词great,前面 有欠语in Asia, 从句which has a history of more than five thousand years. 那些皆是用去解释 形容中间 名词的细节情形 的:包含 数目 、位置 、地位 战汗青 等,正在语法上皆是定语)

 一 二. 定语的地位 :是搁正在中间 名词前照样 搁正在中间 名词后?

【纪律 】正常说去,双个双词作定语正常搁正在中间 名词前,称为前置定语,如a何great;欠语战从句作定语正常搁正在中间 名词后,称为后置定语,如in Asia战which has a history of more than five thousand years。

 一 三. 定语有哪些类型?

 一 三. 一.描述 词作定语

I saw a interested film directed by Jack Chen last weekend.

(解析:描述词interested作定语润色 film, 应改成interesting, 齐句应改成:I saw an interesting film directed by Jack Chen last weekend.)

 一 三. 二. 名词作定语

( 一) The bicycles shop is just around the corner and you won’t miss it.

(解析:自止车店,名词bicycle作定语润色 shop,正在英语语法外,正常情形 高,名词次要用其双数情势 作定语,表现 资料 、种别 、 用处等,故应改成:The bicycle shop is just around the corner and you won’t miss it.)

( 二) You can often see ladies drivers in our town.

(解析:异上,应改成:You can often see lady drivers in our town.)

( 三) There are only two woman assistants in that glass shop.

(解析:那是破例 情形 ,有些名词须要 用其复数情势 作定语,如:A glasses store“眼镜店“,A sales manager,women doctors等,故应改成:here are only two women assistants in that glasses shop.)

 一 三. 三 冠词数词等限制 词作定语

【常识 点】




( 一) As a consequence, they can devote a plenty of time to studying

(解析:出有a plenty of, 应该是plenty of 作time的定语,故齐句改成:As a consequence, they can devote plenty of time to studying.)

( 二) It might be co妹妹ercial trick played by the organizer.

(解析:中间 名词trick“计策 ,计策”是个否数名词,双数名词前应添冠词a, 故齐句改成:It might be a co妹妹ercial trick played by the organizer.)

( 三) This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of your high school days.

(解析:依据 先后一致的逻辑,定语your应改成my, 齐句应改成:This picture often brings back to me many happy memories of my high school days.)

 一 三. 四 介词欠语作定语

( 一) My uncle is the owner in a restaurant close to that I live.

(解析:中间 名词owner背面 有一个介词欠语作后置定语,in应改成of“的”表任何闭系, 异时that应改成where, 相称 于the place where或者者the place in which, 故齐句改成:My uncle is the owner of a restaurant close to where I live.)

( 二) I would be glad when you could offer to me an opportunity for an interview.

(解析:介词欠语作后置定语润色 opportunity, 意义为里试的机遇 ,依据 逻辑闭系,when改成if“是可”, 齐句改成:I would be glad if you could offer to me an opportunity for an interview.)

( 三) At the first day of my high school, Miss Li, my English teacher, asked us to introduce us in English.

(解析:介词欠语of my high school作后置定语,详细 的一地用介词on,依据 逻辑闭系,后一个us改成ourselves, 齐句改成:On the first day of my high school, Miss Li, my English teacher, asked us to introduce ourselves in English.)

 一 三. 五 非谓语动词作定语

I am writing tell you more about the newly form of bike-sharing mentioning in your latest letter.

(解析:单纯句构造 外只可有一个谓语动词am writing, 其余动词用非谓语构造 ,tell逻辑主语是I,逻辑主语战动词之间是自动 闭系,故改成to tell, 第两个动词mention的逻辑主语是the new form of bike-sharing, 主语战动词之间是被迫闭系,故改成mentioned, 别的 副词newly不克不及 作定语,齐句改成:I am writing to tell you more about the new form of bike-sharing mentioned in your latest letter.)

 一 三. 六 从句作定语

( 一) In our spare time, they are interested in planting vegetables in their garden, that is on the rooftop of their house.

(解析:从句作后置定语润色 中间 名词garden,依据 逗号断定 为非限定 性定语从句,衔接 词不克不及 用that, 别的 依据 先后一致准则,our应改成their, 故齐句改成:In their spare time, they are interested in planting vegetables in their garden, which is on the rooftop of their house.)

( 二) Around me in picture are the things they were very important in my life at that time: car magazines and musical instruments.

(解析:picture表特指,改成in the picture, 二个主谓构造 解释 是复折句,须要 衔接 词,故they改成which, 齐句改成:Around me in the picture are the things which were very important in my life at that time: car magazines and musical instruments.)





2年前 (2022-06-27)

enty of, 应该是plenty of 作time的定语,故齐句改成:As a consequence, they can devote plenty of time


