看那段英语:Make the dinner甚么意义?
念教英语白话 很轻易 ,答答本身 上面的make the dinner甚么意义便能练了,仅仅您素来没有会如许 来练。
Wife:I think I'd like to go back to work,I don't think I need to be a stay-at- home mom any more
Husband:Well, then who is going to make the dinner and do tge laundry at home必修
Make the dinner必修甚么意义啊?
您须要 自动 “说英语”,“用英语”了:
一. I would have said:Cook the food,or cook the meals
二. But make the dinner means cook the food or cook the meals,and next time I will also say Make the dinner.
Would have done something(换是是尔,尔便会说。。。了)。那个教过的英语您能自动 “用起去”吗?
您须要 睹到make the dinner能说英语cook the food/meals懂得 make the dinner的才能 ,而没有是睹make the dinner说外文,用外文“作饭”的才能 。